Well this was the first time I ever birded in this park, save for the Boreal Owl that was at Tavern on the Green a few years back. Although rain started our day it quickly stopped and the birds were ready for business too.
Highlights included a Western Kingbird found near DellaCourt Theater, along with Great-Crestred Flycatcher, Baltimore Oriole, and later a Connecticut Warbler was seen in the Pinetum.
credit: http://www.philjeffrey.net/COWA_2008.htmlOther goodies were thrushes as we saw Swainson's, Gray-Cheeked, Hermit, and Wood along with Veery, Robins, Thrasher, Mockingbird and a gazillion Catbirds
Sparrows were represented by the ubiquitous House plus others like Song, Swamp, Field, Chipping, White-Throated, White-Crowned, Lincoln's, and Towhees plus a Junco.
Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers and Scarlet Tanagers were numerous all day long with about two dozen seen of each. Blue-Headed Vireo was seen along with Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, Brown Creeper and both Kinglets.
Warblers of the aforementioned Connecticut were joined byTennessee, Parula, Chestnut-Sided, Maggie, BT Blue, Yellow-Rumped, BT Green, Pine, Palm, Blackpoll, B&W, Redstart, Ovenbird, and Northern Waterthrush.
Pretty damn good for my first complete sortie into the park.