Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 8 - Garret Mountain

Well, a fourth straight day here is something that is not warranted too often in my experience. Usually winds and/or weather interrupt the good birding for at least a day or two between banner days here, but this Spring is turning out to be an exception.

Flycatchers seen are Least, Great-Crested & Kingbird. BH, Warbling & RE Vireos continue. The same thrushes as yesterday.

The warbler activity was once again excellent with these species seen today:
Nashville, Parula, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Cape May, BT Blue, Rumps, BT Green, Blackburnian, Prairie, newly arriving Bay-Breasted and Blackpolls, B & W, Redstart, Worm-Eating, Ovenbird, Yellowthroat and Hooded, for a total of 19 species.
Another smashing morning at this unbelievable migrant trap!