Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 10 - Garret Mountain

After a day's respite from this magical place I returned and had another fantastic day. The sandpipers of Solitary and Spotted were each seen, along with some flyover Common Loons looking sharp in their breeding plumage. Once again, both nuthatches were seen, along with Blue Gray Gnatcatchers. The thrush species remain the same from recent days, and here are the warblers:

Nashville, Parula, Yellow, Chestnut-Sided, Magnolia, BT Blue, Yellow-Rumped, BT Green, Blackburnian, Palm, Bay-Breasted, Blackpoll, B & W, Redstart, Worm-Eating, Ovenbird, N. Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat, Hooded & newly arriving Canada for a smashing total of 20 species today !

Here is a Worm-Eating warbler.
credit: henrydomke.com

Both Orioles were enjoyed, along with RB Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, and smart looking Americna Goldfinches.

I'll be back tomorrow morning too !