Some friends and I started here about 8:30 this morning following the 3-hour ride. As expected we saw several thousand Scoters here, and all three species of Black, Surf, and White-winged were well represented. In fact, from my experiences I know of no better place in this area to see more White-winged Scoters than here.
Among the scoters were many Common Eiders in all plumages, including the adults with the pinkish-blush on their breasts. Red-Breasted Mergansers were about as were numerous Common, and Red-Throated Loons. We were able to see about 10 Razorbills, mostly in flight but some did sit on the water for us too.
I picked out a Black-Headed Gull in flight, and other species of gulls were Bonaparte's, Ring-Billed, Herring, and Greater Black-Backed were also seen.
Common Black-Headed Gull credit: friend Andy got to see a very distant Kittiwake but I could not get on it. Alas, no King Eiders were spotted today.
Deep Hollow Ranch species of note were two Snow Geese among the Canada Geese, and a few Killdeer.
Later at Hither Hills State Park we found the out of season Clay-Colored Sparrow, amongst other species of House, Song, White-Throated, and Field Sparrows.
Clay-Colored SparrowIn the Hamptons we re-located the Cackling Goose, and later at Indian Hills beach access we found the Glaucous Gull in the Sagaponack Pond outflow into the ocean.
Glaucous Gull credit: unknownThanks to
Angus Wilson for reporting his Saturday sightings of the Cackling Goose, Glaucous Gull, and the Clay-Colored Sparrow.