Monday, April 23, 2007

April 22 - Garret Mountain

I spent this Sunday at the local hot-spot hoping for some new arrivals with the warm weather. There were a good number of birds, but not the number of species I was hoping for.

Noteworthy today was a group of about 5 Broad-Winged Hawks perched when I arrived. Also there were 3 Ravens cruising over the mountain and their guttaral croaking was heard through the morning. I did get my first Blue-Headed Vireos of the spring, which was nice. Brown Creeper and Winter Wrens continued, but won't be around here much longer.

Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers (above) continued as well, as did the warblers of Pine, Palm & Yellow-Rumped. A pair of Wood Ducks also flew over the Pond. Cedar Waxwings also made an appearance. Hermit Thrush & Northern Flicker were the most numerous birds today.

Later the Broad-Winged Hawks began flying, and others seen today include Merlin, Kestrel, Red-Tailed, Sharp-Shinned & Cooper's Hawks.