This morning I took a ride south to Monmouth County's Assunpink Wildlife Management Area. My purpose was to see the three Trumpeter Swans which have setup shop here for the winter...
This species has been re-introduced, and I have seen them several times before in states like Connecticut & New York, and the species is now countable in New Jersey. So I went to take another look at them...
credit: Alan Wilson
After seeing these Swans, I then stopped at Lake Etra in Mercer County. Recently it has been reported that a Pink-Footed Goose, along with several Greater White-Fronted Geese, and a Cackling Goose have been seen with regularity. Well that is if you get here very early before the geese fly out to the nearby fields of corn-stubble to feed during the daytime.
I was able to see the PF Goose and three Greater White-Fronted Geese )others saw a fourth) but I did not locate a Cackling Goose.
Then it was time to head to work....