Today I took a solo hike along Clinton Road. This area is part of the City of Newark's Watershed. I'm fortunate to have such a lovely area so close to my home, and one which supports dozens of breeding birds. I also saw a Black Bear very early this morning.
The hike is not too difficult and produces many species of Warblers, Thrushes, and Flycatchers.
The warblers seen today included Louisiana Waterthrush, Yellow, Black-Throated Green, Magnolia, Redstart, Hooded, Black-and-White, Cerulean, Prairie, Common Yellowthroat, and Ovenbird
The Thrushes were Veery, Wood Thrush, Hermit, Robins, Catbird, and Towhee.
The Flycatchers were Least, Acadian, Pewee, Phoebe, Great-Crested, Eastern Kingbird, along with Bluebirds and Cedar Waxwings.
A juvenile Red-Shouldered Hawk was also seen.
In the section of the trail where I had the Hermit Thrushes I also saw Blue-Headed Vireos. Other vireos seen today were Yellow-Throated and the ubiquitous Red-Eyed.