An early start here at dawn today as I was looking for the Nelson's Sharp-Tailed Sparrows that are typically found on Plum Island. Not only were the birds seen but I also ran into Tommy B., one of the Hook regulars and sparrow hunter extraordinaire.
Here is the wonderfully-colored Nelson's ST Sparrow:

Next we went to K-Lot and before long had found a Grasshopper Sparrow, followed by another!
Also in this lot today was Vesper Sparrow, Field Sparrow, White-Crowned Sparrow, along with Song, Swamp & Savannah Sparrows.
Near Gunnison Lot the group found a female Blue Grosbeak, and I was eventually able to get nice views of the bird. And it was a new bird for me to be seen at Sandy Hook.

Shortly afterwards we heard, and had brief flyover views of a Pine Siskin, which was another first for me at the Hook.
At North Pond we saw a Northern Shoeveler, and checking my records later I realized that this was the first time I had seen this species here.
Later at the Salt Ponds we flushed Rusty Blackbird, which is uncommon on this barrier island.
You guessed it, yet another new Hook bird bringing today's total to 4, and my lifetime list here up to 217 !.
Tomorrow morning should be another good day, and I'll squeeze in some birding before work.