Afterwards we stopped at Assicong Marsh, which was frozen over, but we were lucky enough to see a female Pileated Woodpecker. This is still my favorite species of them all !
Most surprising was the small Mink that I spotted just underneath a small bridge there !!
Next up we went to Round Valley Reservoir. There we had some nice birds too. A surprise was the Long-Tailed Duck, which is the first time I have seen this bird inland. Also seen were Common Loon, Common Goldeneye, Canvasback, Lesser Scaup and several other species.
Spruce Run Reservoir then provided 3 Bald Eagles (1 Adult, 2 immatures) and a group of Horned Lark, and a flyover Black Vulture.
A quick drive to Oberly Road in Alpha had more Horned Larks, Northern Harriers, and a big surprise in three Ring-Necked Pheasants that were seen in flight and then through the scope.
The last stop was Merrill Creek Reservoir which hosted thousands of Snow Geese, more Canvasbacks, Ring-Necked Ducks, Pied-Billed Grebe, Goldeneyes and Black Ducks.