Today I took a boat trip out of the Belmar Marina at 5 a.m. and into the waters of the Hudson Canyon. This canyon is about 5-hours offshore from New Jersey. It was all part of "pelagic" birding for seabirds that spend a majority of their lives far out at sea, and are rarely seen form land.
The good news was that the seas were quite calm, and we had a beautiful day for a boat ride.
Which means no one got seasick !
The unfortunate news is that the birds weren't there today.
We did see birds, but not in the numbers that were expected, and more importantly, not in the diversity of species that were expected.
One of the birds we did get to see was the Audubon;s Shearwater.
This species is a summer-visitor to this area as it follows the warm, and food-rich, waters of the Gulf Stream.

Other seabird species seen today were lots of Wilson's Storm Petrels, and Greater Shearwater.
The hopes were to see several other species of birds, and as I wrote, more numbers of the species we did see. Oh well, nothing is guaranteed when it comes to wildlife viewing.
Perhaps next year I'll try this trip again...