Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 10 - Warren Green Acres

Because I did not have much time today I visited Glenhurst Meadows a/k/a Warren Green Acres. Here I met Simon and also ran into friend Jonathan K.  We had a nice variety of sparrows, and added a few more after Jonathan left.
Sparrows seen were Song, Swamp, Savannah, White-Throated, White-Crowned, Chipping, Field, Lincoln's, Towhee, Junco, and Vesper -- which was my primary target bird today. Thanks goes to Mike H. who first found the Vesper, and to Simon who had it in the scope later on. Simon also showed me an Orange-Crowned Warbler!  Other warblers were Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-Rumped, and Pine.
Along the river we saw an American Bittern, and just before leaving we had Red-Shouldered Hawk amongst the several Red-Tails and lone Coopers Hawk. A Kestrel also put on a show for us.