Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 24 - Garret Mountain / Halifax Road

This Saturday brought a split-day, with the first half here and then I stopped at Halifax road which is across from Ramapo College in Mahwah.

To begin Solitary Sandpiper was seen, and my friend Bill then showed me an Olive-Sided Flycatcher which he had located earlier.

Other flycatchers were Pewee, Phoebe, Swift, and GC Fly.
Thrushes seen were Veery, Gray-Cheeked, Swainson's, Wood, and Robin.

The warblers were Parula, Yellow, Chestnut-Sided, Magnolia, BT Blue, Yellow-Rumped, BT Green, Blackburnian and Bay-Breasted returned, Blackpoll, B & W, Redstart, Ovenbird, Yellowthroat, and Canada for 15 species, which is damn good for this late May date.

Onto Halifax Road for some grassy fields and streamsides next to the Ramapo Mountains.
A few Wood Duck and young were seen, as was a Yellow-Billed Cuckoo. Eastern Kingbird and Great-Crested Fly put on a show, while the breeding Yellow-Throated Vireo sang continuously in defense of his territory. Warbling and Red-Eyed were also seen.

Yellow Warblers, N. Waterthrush and Common Yellowthroats were the warblers seen here.
And it was nice to see both Baltimore and Orchard Orioles here today.

credit: wildphotosphotography.com